Yet it doth smell of oaken barrels, barleycorn, and such.
BA- Quite pleasant, if I do say so.
i moved to louisville, ky into a new apartment.
there's the minor leagues for the wwe, ovw down here which is a school where you can learn with the best in the business.
so i moved down here for like a six month seminar.
Yet it doth smell of oaken barrels, barleycorn, and such.
BA- Quite pleasant, if I do say so.
i moved to louisville, ky into a new apartment.
there's the minor leagues for the wwe, ovw down here which is a school where you can learn with the best in the business.
so i moved down here for like a six month seminar.
Since we're sharing, I just farted.
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
Relayer, that was out there, yes.
Close to the edge, Yessongs, Going for the One, Tormato, Fragile- 'em were gooooooooood!!!
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
Yes, Yes was, well Yes!
King Crimson, quite good, but no yes.
Plenty of good ol progressive rock bands in that era, yes, no?
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
I represent that remark!
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
They Might Be Giants- by Flood
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Rick Wakeman
many of us who were once jehovah's witnesses had a measure of happiness in our lives.
for me, i had a hope in the future, i had answers as to why we are all here, i believed in a loving god who looked after me and cared about me, i had answers to all of lifes big questions.. when i found out the truth about the witnesses, i was lost in a great big world and now had no answers other than the fact that what i once believed was "the truth" in actuality wasn't the truth.i now had to start all over in my search for truth.
for me, it wasn't long before i found what i thought was the truth since i always believed in the bible.
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.- Allan Chalmers
BA- 'Bout sums it up for me.
my mom and dad love my son, but i also know because of the depth of their brainwashing, they won't be respectful of my parenting (as i've asked them) and will try to "plant seeds" with him.
he's only 7, loves his grandma and papa very much and is easily confused and distressed when he gets conflicting info.
since we left the dubs, we've had a couple different run-ins with my parents trying subtle and not so subtle means to get at my son, or more accurately, get at me.
Let Gramps and Grams see 'em.
You can't shelter them from thoughts- the sooner they get used to the idea that people believe different things, the better.
Don't be afraid to spend the time with your kids to teach them how to use their minds, to make up their own minds on the veracity of various teachings, it's part of growing up.
BA- Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the pen.
if there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
"The Illinois Enema Bandit" by Frank Zappa.